The Recent Noteworthy

A Hike To Remember 

10-1-24; On October 1st 2013, my father passed away.  He was my friend, my buddy.  My father.  I always celebrate this day by going outside for a hike.  I started a project documenting the leaves changing over the course of October.  But it was this image of the day that was my favorite.  My favorite moment?  A sign from my father.  I'll save that one just for me though. 


09-16-24; Dyersville is largely known for the location shot for the movie 'Field of Dreams.'  

On this day I finally went to Dyersville.  I stopped by the historic house and field where the movie was shot at and shot a roll of Kodak Gold 200 i have yet to see results from.  I stopped by Textile brewing for a beer at their unique brewery.

I also stopped by the "Basilica of St. Francis Xavier".  It was a beautiful cathedral and i was all by myself.  It was both breathtaking and eerie.  I let out a loud fart inside and it echoed. 

10-1-24;  A new project for October is in the works.  I will document the changing leaves 

09-10-24;  Hannah once visited the beautiful Noelridge park.  She inspired me to visit which led to my favorite image being Kale. 

09-08-24; Jesse leaps to another rock at Maquoketa caves. This day we hiked the historic park, went to a dive bar and watched Deer Tick perform at the barn.  

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